Vietnam civs remade ideas

As a vietnamese i felt that the in-game ver of us is kinda lame and not very acurate so i have some ideas to improve our civs and also made it more acurate

1:Vietnamese villagers should have a early damage or health buff.Because our villagers is always our main forces(not archers) ,or maybe a unique tech that buff villagers damage(like supremacy)

2:We should have a navy unique units call "small boat" or somethings like that,cause we never actualy have very big boats ,we just use small boats to transfer troops to capture enemy boats ,it like a water monk

3:We should have the abilities to recive halft of every struture cost , but reduce their health,spawn rate by 50% and incease the build speed of the town center by 50-25% .This is my ideas for rebuilt after a fatal attack or retreat from fight we can't win, thisis the strat that we use against the mongols

4:We also should have access to paladins beacuse it historicaly acurate

im not very good at english so fell free to point out my mistake

submitted by /u/aweedboy
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