What version should I download to play online?

So I played AoM when I was like 7 or 8, and now after so many years my brother said "do you remember, prostagma? bulome?" and I was like OHH HOLY SHIT, and he opened this door to all of these childhood memories of us playing the game, so I wanna get back at it, I remember having such a good time playing but at those times we bought the actual game and now I don't know if I can buy it anywhere (like the physical version).

Of course I know people can just download it online (as the tutorial pinned in this reddit) but how do I know what version/link to download to play online with people? Or what's the process to actually play online?

When I was just a kid I only played against the IA so I have no clue what's the online gaming like.

submitted by /u/roman2002py
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