What do you think about the ingame music in DE?

Hey everyone,

I'm enjoying the beta since sunday and I really like the game (always loved AoE anyway haha) but the music is a bit of an ambivalent thing to me.

It's nice that they added an orchestral soundtrack to it, I remember that the original AoE always was a bit of a silent game to me, so the music definitely enhances the experience. To me it sounds a bit odd though, basically for two reasons:

-It sounds kinda hectic or overpaced for the game. I mean Age of Empires, compared to e.g. Starcraft, was always a rather slow game, but the music makes it sound like there is constant action going on.

-It sounds a bit "too orchestral", like a soundtrack to a movie. I find it hard to put this into words but I'll try. The music defintely has a bit of an ancient element to it, but overall it sounds like a modern orchestra making "modern-classic" music, at some points I even feel like it could be computer made (it has this certain midi touch to it). I think it gets more clear when I compared it to the music in Age of Mythology. The music in AoM was a bit more slow paced and had lot's of ancient influences, when you played the Greek the music sounded very mediterranean, lot's of exotic instruments etc. I think AoE lacks a bit of that.

Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of fun with the game but I think the AoM soundtrack would fit the game better than the new one. Just my personal opinion.

submitted by /u/ShrimpyChimp
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