Can supplies affect infantry unique units already?

Infantry UU are situational at best.

The introduction of supplies made them borderline unusable.

Considering that civs with infantry UU get FU champions or better (see *) why would anyone choose the UU instead of the cheaper good ol' champ?

Since the food cost of these units vary wildly, I would implement the bonus as such:

"All infantry units except the spear-line and the eagle line cost -25% food"

*Celts: fast FU champs

Teutons: Fu champs

Japanese: fast hitting FU champs

Franks: FU champs

Aztecs: stronger FU champs

Incas: FU champs

Ethiopians: FU 2HS

Malay: trash 2HS

Malians: Champskarls

submitted by /u/MrCarbunco
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