Help with Scenario creation

Issue #1

So I used Mayan as the civ for 3 teams and Aztec as the civ for 3, in one big city of allies for a mix of colour and wonder style. At one point I had towncentres but had the issue of the mayans auto -generating a villager as per their civ bonus. After removing the TCs and even changin the mayans to aztec, the spot where the TC was still creates a villager one test. With no AI and no TC they still get a villager created wherever the last TC was.

Pic, these villagers are Aztec now but still auto-generated

Issue #2

How can I get Kings: hero kings and unit kings etc. to not run away to a castle in my cinematic scenarios ? Also ai villagers go and chop trees even if there's no lumber camp or TC to return to. I have AI set to "none" and even a trigger of Freeze takes a second to apply so the King is not where I placed him. I could have an attack move one square then have the freeze but it seems overkill when I just want him to not move. And I'm already running at 200 triggers.

submitted by /u/Viccytrix
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