The most broken civs in the game that need nerfs and the importance of getting a ban draft system of the civs in ranked!

Hello guys,

This is a list of the most imbalanced civs in the game imo which they give unfair play with unfair advantage hard to deal with and make the game so broken when playing with/against them and kill the fun the game and my idea about the ban draft system in ranked:

First lets talk about some civs and how to ruin the game by playing with/against those civs:


A very insane civ with insane bonuses and ridiculous design in many ways which they are:

* The OP economy: gives you a very huge advantage with insane 50% discount and bening age before which give unfair play and remove the skill factor and make the game waaaaay harder against them, a monasteries that work like half Fetorias with their relic bonus and farms make gold.

* Insane military: Having a cavalier upgrade in the castle age (despite the lack of bloodlines) with 50% discount and once you hit imp you already have 50% cheaper Paladin makes you puah your enemy super fast and hard which no civ can do at all with insane powerspike and late game instant army with their revolution.

*2-Sicilians\* Broken tough civ with broken bonuses make them one of the most unfair civs t9 play with/against with many faces:

* Military: Insane 50% bonus reduction from any bonus damage making their knights, archers and infantry one of the most broken units in the game with no counter. 2 insane UTs one gives you 35 big army of tanky infantry like Huskarl and the other one make their knight line more broken with +1/+2 armor in addition to their 50% reduction damage.

* Buildings time: 100% building for castles and TCs making them s9 easy to boom and play and have 0 risks with droping castles and TCs everywhere.


A civ that have the most bonuses in the game with broken stables units in melee fight same for barracks and insane eco.

* Military: the free melee armor for both stables and barracks make them one of the most broken civs in the game with very hard way to counter. Knights with free melee and free resistance bonus to conversion and with their more melee even pikes and camels feel like a meh counter to them.

* Insane eco: A farms everywhere, 2 farms with cost of one, who cares if you have horse collar or not?! They are free farms anyway make their boom and eco insanely strong which support their insane knights with their free melee and free resistance to conversion.


Are you struggling with eco? Military? No worries here is the deal! Insane broken eco with 2nd TC in feudal. Takes longer time and feel your enemy will push you hard?! No worries, military buildings cost only 100W so you can make 2nd TC and military buildings at the same time to defend or attack! Or you can just ignore the 2nd TC and go insane early military rush with like 3 stables or 3 ranges! You fear that your enemy gonna trush you? No worries we give you siege workshop in feudal and capped rams in castle!


The most broken civ in last Khans and if not in the whole game with 0 weaknesses!

* Eco: small but with big insane early powerspike that makes you take the control of the map super early before your enemy do anything! With 150F start in thr bank you can do 17/18/19 pop and still have great resources in the bank and make the game waaay harder to your opponent to counter!

* Military: Knights have free attacks with getting relics up to +6 attack in castle age if you got all! Hard to do?! Don't worry your monasteries work 20% faster which means your monks will be out there before your enemy monks which make the things easier to you! Got only 2 relics in castle age?! More than enough! Your enemy have strong archers? Don't worry we give you 10% faster move skirms and a UT that give your skirms and halbs more PA! Your enemy have great melee units?! No worries at all we give you broken UU that completely ignore the melee armor! Even the poor Slavs boyar die to them same for the counter camels.

*6-Franks\* You like knights? Lovely! Here is the civ you want!

* Military: 20% free hp (bloodlines) on your stable with more on Paladin and cavalier in imp up to192hp! Hard to get?! No worries! Here is a 25% discount on castles spam them everywhere to protect your eco or rushing your enemy! You fear your enemy make so much counters?! No worries with already having cheap dirt castles we give you a great UU that have melee damage with range that counter pikes and even camels! You fear the eco? Here is:

* Economy: Free farms upgrades the whole way and 15% work on bushes early game!

*7-The mesos and the Eagle line!\*

Oh no! Too bad no stables! Poor guy! Here is a cheap dirt unit called the eagle that cost 20f only and 50g spam them the whole day with 0 eco and 0 brain with tanky armor and great mobility! Your enemy make counter like knights or Longswords?! Raid his eco and let them chase you or catch you with your eco with their 60F and your 20F! Knights? Make pikes or keep flooding eagles, pike cost 35F, eagle 20F both of them is less than 1 knight's food cost! Archers?! Anyway...longsowrds?! No worries you have already FU Arbs/xbows and even cheaper (Incas/Mayans or slingers (Incas) or even better military production and better monks and barracks (Aztecs). Economy problems?! No worries! As Mayans you already start with more vills and have 15% longer resources and cheaper archers and bulky eagles! Aztecs half free wheelbarrow start in dark and 50 gold and insane gold mines in the relics! Incas? Houses with ×2 pop, cheap castles, cheap towers and great tech tree better than the previous both!

*8-Bulgarians\* You fear that your enemy have better military? No worries here is an instant free militia line upgrade makes you push your enemy super fast MAA then add stable! Fear your enemy have better power?! No worries 50% cheaper blacksmith upgrades with 80% faster research making you early rush one of the most broken after you already sent your free MAA! You fear your enemy better eco or map?! Here is a semi-castle called Krepost make it everywhere with half castle cost to defend your eco or even rush your enemy with it! Oh no your enemy have great archers! Here is a 50% discount on the whole siege upgrades! Onagers and siege rams everywhere!


You like eco and military and smooth play? Here is the civ you want that have everything!

* Economy: Oh no! You fear that you will be behind? No worries you already start with 6 vills! Not only that wait! 10% free more food on your farms and cheap technologies the whole way!

* Military: What do you want? Archers? You have all! Stables? All. Barracks? All blacksmith? All and all your military technologies are cheaper too!. Great UU melt anything when in hand and very flexible tech tree! Do whatever you want! From this list I can forgive the Bulgarians only however they still need a tweak imo, but all other civs need a tweak and nerfs the whole way ASAP and the devs should do it to make the game more stable and more fun to play, not ruin it with making it more imbalanced with giving weird and blind bonuses!

From this list I could say ok for Bulgarians for now, but imo they need a tweak, other civs indeed need a change ASAP.

*The importance of introducing the ban draft system for the civs in ranked and why it should be in game\*

The ban system become so important with having more civs in the game, and I am pretty sure we will get more civs later! However, more civs means harder balance and more broken stuff. It seems the balance take so long and so much time and effort to add in the game and to fix the civs, so here came the importance of having a ban draft system in ranked unitl we have an acceptable balance between the civs, and here is my idea about this system:

* The system will be *Optional\*; so you are free to take it or not on the ladder.

* The system should have 3 bans, and imo they are not enough because imo we need even 5 but 3 bans draft as start is ok.

* When the player pick the civs that he wants to ban, he will not play against them in the ladder nor to play with them which is the normal case in tournaments.

That's all, I will be happy to read your opinions and replies.

submitted by /u/JokesOnYou_11
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