Are MbL's complaints well founded?

As many of us know, MbL announced on twitter that he was taking a break from AoE II because not enough pro players were showing up on the ranked ladder. I was curious about the objective change in circumstances of MbL's opportunities, and I happen to have a bunch of data from on my computer, so I created a table of weekly results to see how things have been going with him in 1v1 on the ranked ladder.

Week Number of Games Played by MbL Highest ELO of an opponent Average opponent ELO Lowest ELO of an opponent
07-14 4 2320 2240 2160
07-21 0 0 0 0
07-28 1 2283 2283 2283
08-04 0 0 0 0
08-11 4 2422 2031 1852
08-18 15 2514 2337 2095
08-25 20 2516 2328 2111
09-01 10 2473 2339 2142
09-08 10 2502 2462 2420
09-15 4 2404 2276 2128
09-22 28 2497 2317 1731
09-29 13 2416 2235 1647
10-06 25 2512 2286 1696
10-13 30 2515 2367 2043
10-20 17 2454 2289 1764
Age of Empires IV Released
10-28 5 2418 2290 2152
11-03 0 0 0 0
11-10 11 2498 2313 2138
11-17 27 2463 2314 1857
11-24 7 2336 2170 1876

I am not a statistician, but it looks to me like there hasn't been a noticeable change in the skill of the players he has been playing. I obviously cannot address how MbL feels, nor whether there are specific players he is missing playing, but the overall quality of the ranked ladder at his level looks to me to be about as strong as always.


PS: I used the Siege Engineers Player data to grab all his smurf accounts.

submitted by /u/felixferoc
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