[Concept] Titanomachy mode

Since there isn't discussion about the Hindu concept. I will move on to the next idea I had.

This is simply a mode for the game like Deathmatch, Supremacy...

The catch is Titans in this mode are unique, have different ability, and more powerful.

I have already made the layout and some Titans. There are more that I am working on.


>< Advice for Titans and their special ability for Japanese, Egyptian, Hindu, and Norse are welcomed. I am hitting a real big creativity block about those.

>< Also for my Japan concept. The gods are Amaterasu, Susanoo, and Okuninushi (Major gods); Fujin (Wind God), Raijin (Thunder God), Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Dread Star of Heaven), Takemikazuchi (Sword God), Futsunushi (God of Warfare), Kagu-tsuchi (Fire God), Konohanasakuya-hime (Goddess of Volcano). I am in need of myth tech, and god power. Additional gods suggestion are also welcomed.

submitted by /u/Weigazod
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