MONGOL SIEGE OWNAGER ARE FRIGGIN OP - In praise of the Mongol Siege Onager!

They are absolutely the best in the game by far without a Daut. I'm gunna talk about this a bit in a video before too long I'm so excited, but seriously I just had to post. If you don't believe me, answer these questions you Celtic fool!

Can you send Normal, Generic, Celtic SO from your base to your enemy base... well technically yes you can but it takes FOR EVER! Instead you have to make forward Workshops, which can take FOREVER and can But NOT with mongol SO! Mongol SO are ... SO GOOD (see what I did there you can't make dad jokes like me) that they can actually be spammed because they can ACTUALLY GET TO THE BATTLEFIELD IN TIME (we're not even talking about how much this helps Srams...)

Can you raid trade with Celt SO? Yes? LOL NO YOU NEED HALBS TO BACK THEM UP or they're DEAD. But not Mongol SO! Mongol SO are so fast you can simply RUN AWAY from stuff bad guys throw at you. Sure, cav might catch up, but by the time they do MONGOL FRIGGIN OP SIEGE ONAGERS will be safely back at a castle with some camels waiting to kill the bloodthirsty celtic Paladins.

Can you hit and run, against CAVALRY with Celt SO? Lol no of COURSE NOT! They're so slow you can't micro them at all! "bbbbbut they have kewl HP bonus".. granted Hp is nice, but mongols don't need OP HP. They can run away so fast that some simple attack ground will absolutely murder any pursuers. This even works vs Paladins (especially ones w/o husbandry).

"Wwwwhat about in a battle of Celt SO vs Mongol SO? Celt SO wins, right?????" Well,,, sure it does, if you have lag... but who tries to counter Celt SO with SO? No, Most people use Paladins.... But guess what happens when you try to use Paladins to counter Mongol SO! THEY HIT AND RUN AGAINST THE PALADINS!

If you're woundering why I'm posting, it's because I Destroyed 30 Paladins + 50 Trade carts in a game just now with about 13 Mongol SO... ONLY SO, No other untis! NOw, I'm not saying it's bad to have other units (mangadaui are sweet), but mongol SO CAN ACTUALLY BE MICROED effectively (cough cough Celts) unlike any other SO...

I'm done now. :)

submitted by /u/JRed_Deathmatch
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