Warning: This game is a hunk of garbage and you won't get a refund.

Been on the fence about buying this. Finally did it yesterday. I never got to play after 4 hours of attempts due to an xbox live connectivity issue.

Why is xbox live even necessary?

I work as a database administrator, have a brand new Samsung laptop and this is rediculous! Microsoft ruined another project and is trying to grab your money again.

When I contacted tech support I was told there is a "No refund policy".

Not to mention, I see there are no formations, no building queues, and pathfinding still sucks. As a AoE lover, all of this just ROYALLY pisses me off. FU Microsoft!


I'd rather play the original, which I have but can't play either because.... wait for it.... MICROSOFT Windows 10 is not backward compatable with SHIT!

submitted by /u/nine_inch_snail
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