Display bug or not? Also menu question

Hello guys, why the full screen mode autoscales to (is written down,) maximun 16xx x something and doesn't write 1920x1080? I see it full HD,pretty sure, but the furthest I can go in the resolution (manual select) is 16xx x something.

Also can I report somewhere the in game bugs?

Another thing, why the zoom 4x shows great details compared to zoom 2x and 1x. I mean when I select 2x, the units seem to be a little blurry when I zoom in or out but in 4x, every unit is so awesome and detailefld and I would use that setting if the zoom wouldn't cap ( when zooming out) so near the map. I can barely can fit 12 units in there.

Are they using aoe3 engine? If not what are they using for the game?

submitted by /u/hellpunch
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