I'm disappointed in the HD remake.

I just found out that this old game had an HD remake on steam, went out to buy it plus the DLC.

Turns out its a mess, it runs at what like 25fps? I thought it was just me being used to smooth modern games but I went and found an old pirated copy and got it. Side by side there's almost no difference apart from the slightly crisper sprites/textures and zoom out. But most of all, why is the game from the early 2000's runs smoother than the newer version?

Choppy scrolling, even seeing the move animation when you right click makes me cringe, gameplay overall just feels like shit 15~20fps. Also, why the hell is there no resolution option?

My thoughts on this is if you want to play MP sure get the game and bear through all of that crap, if you want to relive the SP campaigns just pirate it, it's like 200mb and 2mins of downloading compared to the shit show that you paid for on steam.

submitted by /u/Remiu
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