All in scouts is wild

I played a game earlier as Japanese planning to do MAA -> Archers. Opponent was lithuanians. I kinda flubbed up my build and also scouted his stable so I knew he was going scouts. I tried to small wall and make a few spears, switch to straight archers, go castle. OH MAN. I didnt quite get walled up when I see a few scouts. They dink and dunk around running from spears and slapping buildings but I hold for a min.

And then more. I'm like hmmm hes never gonna make castle age using all the food like that. I sparingly make a couple more spears because I have a bit I'm having trouble walling. Lemme tell ya... the scouts didnt stop. I ended up with like 16 archers and garrisoned my TC and this dude has scouts eating arrows under my TC and wipes so many vils and ALL my archers and spears. He ended up killing some other vils too. I went archers into castle into gg build order.

I scope his base. Dude has like 6 stables and around 50 farms. He was not going castle. I played around with it and if you can beat the Arabia wall meta it can be really fun. People dont expect it at all! If they wall everything forget it though.

Anyways it was a silly match and a build I didn't consider before! It ended up wrecking me so hard because I was trying to conserve res to limp to castle age!

submitted by /u/WastelandMedic93
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