Tarkans are pretty strong!

5 min ago I played against huns as Bulgarians. I had a perfect opening with 4 scouts in his base and already saw his 2 archerranges. So... castleage was great too with having full upgraded skirms and knights to deal with his CA and I also got a castle on the hill between us. I got early in imp so my eco was way weaker than his was. I pushed him hard but didn’t expected the spam of tarkans and hussars. The tarkans eat walls and tc like bread and the game turned out good for him. Only halbs and kreposts safed my base. I used my knights to raid his eco and won finally, but I must say it was the most stressful game I’ve ever had! The mobility of Huns is impressive, like their tarkans just acting like freaky rams! I didn’t saw any player go tarkans before, but keep in mind they are amazing and no one would expect a Desaster like they produce!

submitted by /u/Difigiano33
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