Is it late to go competitive?

I played the game casually as a kid, but it was only when i picked up the DE version a couple of months ago I realised that i wanna go competitive. I’ve managed to setup my own hotkeys that I’m comfortable with and learned a few build orders(learning more ofc) And I kinda mastered a few civs in my level like aztecs and bulgarians and magyars and I’m really training to learn and explore more. I’ve managed to get my elo up from 600s to 1100s in like a month I’ve played nearly 200 ranked games in total. I’ve been watching a lot of tournaments and pro streams in the past months and I realised that some certain players have been dominating in the game for years like the viper l, hera, tatoh etc... And these guys have years of experience and gameplay some of them have been playing for 20+ years! So here comes the question Is it late for someone like me to train and try to go competitive? How can a newer player compete with these players? Thanks.

submitted by /u/HamaKarim
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