Heli's Challengers - Zuppi vs BacT - 27/02 @8GMT

Hey Reddit!

The second episode of my challenger series is coming to Twitch this Saturday starting 8GMT!

After Slam defeated Hoang in the first episode, top players Zuppi and BacT will be duelling for the lions share of the $100 USD PrizePool and the right to challenge the previous champion.

This will be a best of 5, first game Arabia, followed by home maps of the loser until the winner is decided. We'll have a unique civ picking system that will guarantee no mirror matches, and hopefully provide some interesting matchups.

The games will be cast exclusively on my channel, twitch.tv/helichaos, with the players likely to also stream their POV.

See you there!

submitted by /u/TTV-HelichaosAOE
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