Coop campaign status? When will it be available?

Coop campaign was announced/pre-released in June for DE

Co-Op begins Preview today with 5 Historical Battles, specifically selected because of how much fun they create as Co-Op scenarios. This Preview version of Co-Op will then go Live in our next Update. As we gather your feedback and make those changes, we’ll be readying the release of Co-Op Campaign content, which includes 33 Missions selected from across 6 different Campaigns.

I'm very much looking forward to playing this with my friend. Apart from the difficulty level being low even on the higest setting, the co-op scenarios were fun and worked reasonably well.

We hoped the full campaigns would be released shortly after the preview. But here we are closing in on five months later and I don't see any updates or info regarding the expected release date.

Does anyone know (or care to speculate) when we can expect a release of the coop campaigns?

submitted by /u/privacyisalie
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