Lots of noobish questions

Hey guys, it's the usual story. Played a lot when I was young, picked up the HD version with the first two expansions (not AK) and have really been enjoying watching SotL and T90 videos for the last several days.

I have a few questions about some things I hear alluded to without really being explained. Maybe there's like an AoE2 community FAQ somewhere?

In no particular order:

  • Which patch(es) are considered "proper" in online play? Does having HD but not all the expansions mean I can't play with people who have AK?

  • What are all these terms? Obviously vills = villagers, and pals = paladins. But what's a thrush? Is there a dictionary somewhere?

  • Is fast castle still the defacto core of every strategy that isn't a feudal rush?

  • What should a relatively new player learn first?

  • What platform is preferred? I hear about Voobly and Steam.

  • Literally anything else you can say for a new guy?

  • Help.

  • Thanks!

submitted by /u/TSW-760
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