Custom Civilizations mod - Need help and ideas!

Alright, so I have planned a simple "Custom civs" mod that allows players to "research" civ bonuses as they play (up to a max of 4, one per age (Unique Techs and Unique Units are still to be thought about)). Thing is, I dunno what options should I put in each age. I plan on using the TC with instantly research techs that disable everything else (so it doesn't affect normal gameplay), but I don't know what effects should I make.

Keep in mind it is possible to make it so a Feudal Age bonus is only avaiable if you went for a certain Dark Age bonus, which allows for "upgrade paths" (think of something like the Goths).

Try to make the bonuses somewhat generic. A +2 attack for camels isn't interesting, but a +1 attack for all cavalry is (or is it not? I have no idea about balance, again).

submitted by /u/migueeel
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