Strange civ bonus ideas.

So I'm building some civs and I intend to get into modding to test them out for myself, but I won't have the time to do that for a while. In the mean time I'm curious what more experienced modders would say about these bonuses.

Hill Bonus deals 15% more damage- the hill bonus already provides you with a 25% higher attack, so for an archer with an attack of 4 that gives him an attack of 5. With this bonus you get a 40% higher attack which is 5.6, rounding up to an attack of 6. I really like how dynamic this bonus is.

Projectiles move 15% faster- I bet it's possible to mod this, but I'll need to test it in game to see how effective it is and what percentage it should be. This would aid archers in the early game by making it harder to micro out of the way and it would make siege units more dangerous for the same reason later on.

You receive gold when an enemy unit, or building dies- I know that the trigger for this works by providing you with the gold when a particular corpse spawns, but could it work for enemy units? Could I, say, receive 10 gold every time I kill an enemy vill, sort of to simulate pillaging and robbing?

Start with an additional relic spawned next to your town center- There's a relic like 2 tiles away from your starting TC at the start of the game which is there in addition to the normal number of relics on the map. This guarantees a mid game eco bonus.

You can drop food off at the farm, or fishing trap- Instead of having to wait until a vill drop his/her food off at the mill, they just use the farm as the mill. This would also let you build farms with more ease since you don't need to position them around a mill, or TC. I get the feeling this might be too strong of a bonus, but I also wonder if you could mod a farm to also be a drop off point.

you can drop resources off at a house- can you mod houses to be drop off points?

Start the game with extra trees around your TC- You start every game with like 3 straggler trees to gather some wood from. I was thinking of a civ bonus where you start with like 5 extra sheep and 3 extra straggler trees allowing you to camp around your tc longer before having to invest in mills, farms and lumber camps.

Start the game with extra gold/stone piles near your TC- 2 or 3 gold piles (or stone) located about 5, or 6 tiles away from your starting tc giving you some back up res in case another gold mine got walled in or something. Naturally this also gives you the same bonus that the Mayans essentially get because your res will last longer before having to search for more.

Start with a free tower- Start the game with a free tower probably no more and no less than 7 tiles away from your starting TC, in a random spot. I like this because you could build farms around it in the Feudal age and be more protected at no extra cost.

Arrows that miss, but hit nearby units deal full damage- Collateral damage arrows deal like 25% their original damage. Let's have them deal full damage! I would have to test this in scenario editor to see how much more damage archers without without Thumb Ring do in various situations. I wonder if this would be devastating if you combined this with cav archers (with their low accuracy) and maybe had a unique tech that allowed them to shoot 2 arrows at once. Maybe against larger groups of enemies the spread and volume of these arrows would make them more effective than normal cav archers with Thumb Ring.

Villager Wagon- A unique unit that gathers all res 10% faster, has about 120 hp and fires an arrow. He'll deal about 4 damage and have a range of 4, but he can benefit from archer's blacksmith upgrades and Loom. A civ with this unit will also be able to make normal vills. The villager Wagon would maybe cost something like 150 food and 50 gold to make. Producing as many of these units as you can provides an automatic eco bonus and is a fantastic defense against raids, but it's very pricey. The build time would be the same as a vill and it could be made at the TC, maybe starting in the Feudal age.

submitted by /u/Brackish27
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