Banning RM Beginner>1400 players from the NPL hurts the community, Voobly

Players when they reach 1400 RM beginner are banned from the New player lobby. I get the point about having a New Player Lobby, but I think the rules are a bit to strict. I haven't been playing that much AoE II conq the last two-three years, but I've been playing a bit on steam with the expansions. The fact that I did quit playing on Voobly at that time were greatly influenced by me passing the limit for RM beginner. When I played AoE II, I often played mods and the one I liked the most to play was called Sheep vs Wolf. A mod that was exclusive to the NPL at that time. I have never played it again since, unfortunately, and I do not know if others do play it now either.

Also the fact that the NPL is widespread in it's game mods is an important factor here. It isn't only RM being played there, but also CBA and other mods, which RM players to good for the NPL might not master that well.

Coming back to AoE II after a several month long break is also often harder. I myself have taken several month long breaks from AoE II. The fact that you have to start over again at the score from when you last played the game several months ago also makes the transition into playing the game again harder. I've tried to get back playing on Voobly two times in the period since I last played there, and the result was me getting crushed which in the start isn't a good incentive to pick a game back up.

To summarize up a bit. I think access to the NPL only based on RM-rating isn't a good way of handling the new player lobby. Maybe there should be something as decrease of rating with inactivity, or possibly open up the new player lobby for everyone, but only <1400 RM Beginner can join rated games.

I don't think the system works at optimum now, and wonder if anyone else have any thoughts or ideas how to make this more smoothly.

submitted by /u/Straumandes
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