What's your favorite campaign and civ in DE, and what do you expect for the next year (or this year:)) about the future of DE?

My last post on reddit so I´m curious about that.

Mine are the Tatars for now (and Tamerlane campaign) due of the historical mystery of that civ, plus Tamerlane campaign is very funny (and a living meme).

My expectations are that the game includes in the future:

  • Campaigns for the Byzantines (one about Belisarius, yes I know about Bari but we need one about the last Roman General) and one of the Slavs about Ivan III the great and the grat stand of the Ugra River.
  • Historical battle for Lithuanians (all talk about Grunwald but none about the Blue Waters (vs Tatars), that battle was key for them.
  • Difficulty sword for the historical battles as well medals.
  • Civ icons as player profiles.
  • more perfomance improvements.
  • More scenarios for the Art of War like Water strategies.

That's all of my last post, and Happy new year.

submitted by /u/BloodyDay33
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