ESO: One of my friends blocks everyone from connecting when I host, but they successfully join individually.

To make this very clear, I have 3 different friends around town that I play age of empires 3 with. We have all played individually together. Their names are Cody, Josh, and Chris. I always host the matches. I've never had issues hosting until now.

I have been playing for two years with Cody with no issue. Last month Josh AND Chris got age of empires 3, and I have been playing with them with no issue. We just got the chance to play with Cody as a group of 4 today, and started running into the issue.

We tried on both the Asian Dynasties expansion and the regular edition. The end result was the same. Cody could join my lobby and start a match without issue, but when Cody was in the lobby Josh and Chris could not join. When I had a clear lobby again both Josh and Chris were able to connect successfully. Upon inviting Cody, he was unable to join the lobby.

Josh and Chris hosted their own lobbies independent of mine, and I was able to join theirs but Cody failed on both.

Why is Cody able to connect to me without issue. but in Josh and Chris' presence he is blocked all of a sudden?

submitted by /u/subnetac
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