Why was the camel unit nerfed for ALL civs?

Usually the FE team changes things for a reason. And that's awesome, I for one love change. But for the life of me I cannot figure out why they believe a nerf to ALL camels is necessary. Especially as significant a nerf as they received in the new 5.7 balance patch.

The Indian Imperial Camel is very strong and possibly deserved a minor nerf, as well as the Berber Camel Archer. Which definitely deserved a nerf (Which it got). But why punish every other camel civ for one or two units being relatively strong? Keeping in mind that Mamelukes, Camel Archers and regular Camels are all affected which impacts the Berbers, Byzantines, Chinese, Ethiopians, Indians, Malians, Mongols, Persians, Saracens and Turk civilizations specifically.

As per the patch notes:

Balance Improvements: Anti-camel bonus increased for all anti-cavalry units (except camels)

A further analysis (Credit: SaintMichaels) has provided the numbers around this:

Spearmen now do +12 damage against Camels instead of +9 (+3 base damage, no upgrades)

Pikemen now do +18 damage against Camels instead of +16 (+4 base damage, no upgrades)

Halberdiers now do +26(!) damage against Camels instead of +17 (+6 base damage, no upgrades)

Eagle Warrior & Elite Eagle Warrior +1 Damage against Camels (+2, +3). Eagle Scouts unchanged

Elite Genoese Crossbowmen do +6 damage against Camels instead of +5. Normal Genoese Unchanged.

(Elite) Kamayuks do (+10) +6 damage against Camels instead of (+6) +4

Chieftains for the Vikings now makes Infantry do +4 damage to Camels instead of +2

As listed, Camels bonus damage against other Camels are unchanged. Towers and the Town Center are also unchanged and still only do +1 damage to Camels.

What I'm hoping is that someone who can crunch the numbers can figure out just how much more effective the spear line in particular is against camels with these changes so that we can understand just how impactful these changes will be. I feel like even if a spear line unit needs one less hit to kill a camel, that in itself is incredibly significant and in my opinion, unnecessary.

Let me know what you think about this change, was it was justified or not? How significant is this change in your eyes? Should regular camels have been changed at all?


submitted by /u/Flatch_
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