What to do when a disconnect happens - can we improve how we deal with this? (HD!)

Hi Everyone

So I was just playing a 2v2, the teams were balanced, there was nice communication between all players, some interesting first skirmishes and then I disconnected (I know. I'm the ass who ruined their game).

Thing is, the way we were communicating, I think it would not have been a problem for them to save and exit and us to restore the game and continue.

I didn't even bother to contact them via steam though. Because when a game disconnects, its just ... typically people just want to continue the game. Sometimes someone opts for 'save and exit' so the team thats short does not lose Elo, but thats rare.. There is no culture or tradition of restarting games or loading games, when playing at a casual level.

Any thoughts on how to set up a culture of resuming disconnected games on HD? Has anyone ever actually tried doing this? Is there any simple change to the lobby system that could be implemented (either by Steam or by Skybox or as a third party add-on?)

Just curious regarding your thoughts on this. (And yeah, some smart ass will tell me 'get better internet' and yes, of course, but the point is that disconnects happen and it would be nice if we could make them be less of a literally game-breaking thing).

submitted by /u/fkeel
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