Roleplaying a real world map for a lan-party, how would we go about it?

We have lan-party planned with a group of friends and we will be playing aoe2 hd for sure. Now an idea that came up yesterday was to do at least 1 game a bit later on while being slightly drunk/stoned on a real-world map (earth or europe, doesn't really matter) and politically role-play the heck out of it. By that I mean we all start as a specific country and try to honor all the cliches that come with that country (America making 'freedom', Italy switching sides, france and england never having peace, you name it) without focussing that much on the game itself. However, how would we organize such a game where everyone has their specific civ with it's first town-center at roughly the right spot on the map? Are there any specific settings for this? As a last question, would you guys have any other suggestions to make this work better?

submitted by /u/XDfaceme
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