New here after a 5 year break. I picked up the whole HD bundle on the steam sale. initial thoughts..

after 5 hours of playing, I finally beat the fucking AI on hard. I initially loaded up hardest, since thats where i left off on AOE2 classic.. that was a mistake.. three times. The AI micro in this game is unreal now.. and my units are all mongoloids fixated on cherry Popsicles apparently.

Have you ever sent hundreds and hundreds of Berber pikemen and hussar's to their death because the AI decided that an army comp of 80+ spanish paladin and a few skirmishers was the way to go and you were playing on Lombardia where theres apparently 7 relics and three gold piles in the entire map?

I cant believe how exactly the same and totally different this is. Why did they change all the hot keys? is there an AI mod to make my pixel warriors not spend so much time sniffing each others asses?

I have so many questions.

submitted by /u/xHOTPOTATO
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