Can't play or extract specific custom scenario

hello. I have a campaign file that I made about 10 years ago and I tried to extract scenarios from the file but I failed. I attach the file below.

This campaign includes 6 scenarios and I think the last scenario was corrupted because when I try to play that scenario, the game crushes immediately in 1.0c, and nothing happens except 'bad string length' message in HD edition. (other 5 scenarios works well)

I also tried using "Campaign Manager" program and other scenarios I made were extracted well but this file didn't work at all with 'stream read error' message. and when I tried to modify in HD edition, file error 23 occurs and I couldn't load all the scenarios. (this error seems to language problem)

Can I extract the last scneario from this file? (or just play it) and is there any problems because this campaign wasn't made in English? (the scenario titles are not English)

submitted by /u/sky4982
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