ECL - Screenshot Competition #Europe East

Greetings everyone and welcome to the ECL Screenshot Competition!

At each stage of the event we'll be asking you to submit your prettiest screenshots from Age of Empires II - you can use as many or as few in-game mods or photo editing techniques as you like. The theme of the stage should reflect in the screenshot - for example: Middle East, we would expect to see more desert themed images.

The theme for competition #1 is: Europe East


The winner will receive a 1 year Twitch Subscription to the EscapeAoE Twitch channel where all of the ECL matches will be streamed. Two runners up will receive a 1 month subscription.


Post your best screenshots in a comment below and they will be judged by: Carlini8, baronUKF, Poledancer, iViktorious and Margaret of Anjou. Ratings out of 10 will be given for the overall beauty of your screenshot.


You can use Imgur to upload your images. Only links in this thread will be judged.

You may only have one entry, any images posted after your first will not be judged.

By submitting an image you accept that it is in the public domain and may be used and re-produced freely by any number of individuals. You may add a watermark to the image if you wish to ensure credit remains when shared.

Closing Date: Friday 13th July @ 23:59 CEST

PS: Don't forget to enter the ECL Map Design Competition on AoEZone!

submitted by /u/EscapeAoE
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from newest submissions : aoe2
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