KillerB's Arabia Cup - MbL v St4rk - Match report

Full bracket is here.

Format: Arabia, Best of 5, Random Civs, Two restarts of which one can be "veto'd" by the other player. Restarts re-roll civs and not just maps.

Game 1

MbL - Indians

St4rk - Spanish

Early game

MbL - Scouts

St4rk - M@A

Advantage MbL

Castle age

MbL - Cav archers (one TC push) and outposts

St4rk - Conqs

Cav archers picked off WAY too many vills.

MbL 1 v 0 St4rk

Game 2

MbL - Khmer

St4rk - Vikings

MbL tries to re but veto'd by St4rk

MbL 1 v 1 St4rk

Game 3

MbL - Turks

St4rk - Celts

[please let me know below what happened before I re-joined the matchup!]

Post-Imperial age

Mbl - Bombards (cannons & towers) & janisseries, Hussars

St4rk - trash

MbL 2 v 1 St4rk

Game 4

MbL - Burmese

St4rk - Khmer

Early game

MbL - Drush into full skirms

St4rk - Archers & skirms

Castle age

MbL - boom & arambai, monks & siege

St4rk - Knights, light cav, mangonels

MbL had this finished pretty quickly but they play on fore ten more minutes, just in case.

MbL 3 v 1 St4rk

KillerB is streaming these (recorded) quarter final matches today. Their Twitch is here and I am sure they will make the VODs available.

submitted by /u/jarry1250
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