Aoe2 DE: Please don't pull a 'Game of Thrones SE07' on us

While I am sure you, the devs, already know this; I feel a growing tendency, mostly from newer/unfamiliar players to ask & demand for features that did not make aoe2 so everlasting.

Modability, Low System Requirements and Simple & Intuitive Graphics.

Those are just a handful of the many features that made aoe2 so everlasting; but I'm beginning to fear these will be dropped for short-sighted "popular" demands.

Game of Thrones [spoilers?] did this: they went for grand visual effects, safe story-telling and general crowd-pleasing, while it was Baelors' square (Ned Starks decapitation), focus on the aftermath of grand events (whispering woods) and the Red Wedding that made Game of Thrones big. Both of those things would have never been allowed with "popular" opinions in mind.

I hope this well-meant advice/fear is unwarranted though.

Tl;dr= Don't give in to the suits.

submitted by /u/fluppets
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