What improvements should DE bring to the Random Map scripting system?

I was recently reading Mandelbrots Factional geometry in Nature, and it seems that if we could implement such equations for lands, terrains, connections, etc, it might look very interesting. We could do some math to really shorten scripts, for example instead of beeding hudreds of lines for direct placement it would be easy to define how players can generate basd on math formulas. More advanced terrain like you'd see in campaigns..

Thats math stuff. on the more fun triggers, more powerful triggers is a must. In the last year you've seen battle royale.. Hex, unique utopia, fixed position maps

Honestly, there are sooo many options I feel like mapmakers need to be able to define their own strings, gamemodes (koth regicide diplo treaty fixed positions.. at the same time)

there are limitations despite how great up1.5 is. some of these can figure out solutions but the direct method would be preferable in some cases - eg for battle royale what if instead of making various animals henk could just define a trigger that has this consition and effect?

some few thoughts. rms scripting is vulnerable to feature creep if the devs try to do it all. its both important, seeing how streamers play, and uninportant, isnce for a long time, people jist play the same map or a few variants

in some ways rms is more powerful than scenarios, but scenarios will always be better hamdcrafted masterpieces

submitted by /u/xThomas
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