Counter to Bombard Canons behind walls?


I just started playing this week (played asakkd).

I am 0-4 online on Voobly, but my last game I did much better. Except the game went about 2 hours and I just quit so I could go to sleep after having wave after wave of my attacks held back.

My opponent was very conservative and I was aggressive.

My opponent kept using bombard cannons behind his walls and calvary archers in front of his walls to stop my attacks.

I'm not very good with micro yet, so I kept loosing hoards of troops and trebs to his cannon/Archer combo.

What should I have done to counter?

I tried to use pikemen to get the horse archers and knights to run for the canons, but it didn't really work for me.

Not very good yet, so any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/lionofmali
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