Hera's Potato Cup

Hera's Potato Cup is a tournament designed in the spirit of growing the aoe community that will take place in my discord.

Tournament description and format​

The tournament itself is planned to be a 3v3 tournament on various maps using a unique civilization-drafting system. Each team will have 3 players that sum a total amunt of 5400 elo cap amongst all the players within the team.
The main event of the tournament will feature 16 teams minimum and 32 teams at maximum, with a single-elimination bracket, from the 16th - 25th of July.

All rounds will be bo3 up until:

Quarterfinals: Best of five

Semifinals: Best of seven

Grand final: Best of seven

The entire event will be livestreamed at https://www.twitch.tv/Hera_Aoc. Other casters are also welcome, see the streaming policy below.

Teams, registration​

All the interested parties should sign up at https://discord.gg/DkdJj4D (my discord) in the specified channel to do so. Once they do so a role will be asigned to them "tournament player" to access a private room for all players to discuss the tournament freely. Its mandatory that teams pick a name and a captain who will be in charge of scheduling the matches. In case that a player wants to sign up but has no team, the procedure of sign up will be the same and all solo players will be fairly teamed up to maximize the elo cap according to their ratings. A team may only register until the registration deadline by providing the usernames and Voobly-profile link. All players must use the same account they registered with the entire tournament, which should be the main account.

A team may only register until the registration deadline by providing the usernames and Voobly-profile link. All players must use the same account they registered with the entire tournament, which should be the main account since it will be used to provide the real rating the player has and facilitate the average scoring system (for further information see TOURNAMENT RULES PARTICIPATION, SEEDING and TEAM REQUIREMENTS in the regulation posted on discord).

Time frame:

Sign ups:

1st July-11th July (midnight eastern)

1st round (or 2nd) july 16th-25th 26th

27th 28th (quarter finals)

August 2nd 3rd 4th semis and finals


The starting prizepool is 350usd open to any possible contribution. If anyone wants to add to the prize pool, feel free to contact me at [helbaher1@gmail.com](mailto:helbaher1@gmail.com) . The prize pool split will be as follows: 50% 1st, 30%2nd 10% to 3rd and 4th.
Streaming policy​

The lobbies (QF and on) will be password-protected to keep it as clean as possible. As such, please communicate your intentions to cast the event, so that I or another admin can send you the password. You are asked to keep the password to the lobby confidential. Casters are asked to give reasonable credit to the tournament and its organizers. Whether it be included in the title, or a chat command or even just mention it throughout the stream. For further information, feel free to contact me on Voobly, Discord or Twitch.

submitted by /u/Hera_Aoc
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2xlFGQL
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