Team Arabia, when to wall?

I have been very frustrated playing Arabia maps early. I recently lost two games very quickly due to an organised early rush. Both games the enemy scouts (8 total, two players with 4) made it inside my walls before I could finish them. Given perhaps another 30 seconds I would have been walled in. I assume this must be because I am walling too far out, but on team Arabia the woodline is very far away vs in a 1v1. My wall consists of all the buildings I make generally speaking and pallisade inbetween. I just cannot get the wall done in time. I start building the wall around 15 pop. I refuse to wall off just my resources, every game I do that just results in them being towered. I see other players make a decent enough wall but everytime I play flank it isn't done before the enemy can get out 4 scouts.
I don't know what to do. On a second note, what do you recommend doing if the enemy team has an organised rush? I had a game recently where the enemy was in a clan. They all rushed towers + men at arms/scouts, all targetting me at the same time. I would think perhaps the answer is "why isn't your team rushing" but I cannot rely on randoms to do something organised like that. At my elo everyone and their grandmother wants to just boom and ignore their team until imperial age...

I'm around 1400 elo btw. Idk if it's different in DE from HD, because I remember DE starting me at 1000 and HD starting at 1600. Not sure what this is equivilent to in HD.

submitted by /u/Ub3rfr3nzy
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