Unique Unit Discussion: Chu Ko Nu

On the heels of u/Majike03 's extremely well-done weekly civ discussions, someone suggested I start a weekly unique unit discussion. So, today I'm going to post about (what else?) the Chu Ko Nu.

Brief (promise!) Overview:

Available in the Castle Age and produced from the Castle, the Chu Ko Nu is affected by all the archer attack and armor techs from the Blacksmith, as well as Chemistry and Ballistics from the University, Thumb Ring from the Archery Range, and the Chinese Unique Technology - Rocketry - which gives them +2 attack.

Unit Cost: 40W, 35G Base Attack: 8 Base Range: 4 Elite upgrade cost: 760F, 760G

Because of game mechanics, only the first arrow does the full 8 pierce damage (which is 8+6 when fully upgraded), while the other arrows do three damage each. However, spreading out the damage over multiple weaker attacks rather than one strong pierce attack can be extremely useful, especially against high pierce-armored units like the Eagle Warrior or Skirmisher. Having multiple attacks in quick succession allows the Chu Ko Nu to deal more damage to these types of units than any other type of archer. This is especially true after upgrading to elite, which allows the Chu Ko Nu to fire 5 arrows instead of 3, increasing their damage output by as much as 66% against high pierce armor units. This makes their upgrade to Elite one of the most cost-effective and potent elite upgrades in the game.

The high attack of the initial arrow plus the 2-4 additional arrows makes the Chu Ko Nu especially effective in mass. In mass, they can tear through cavalier, hussar, and pretty much any infantry (except the huskarl), though with superior numbers, eagle warriors and paladins can still inflict heavy losses.

The most unique aspect of this already "unique" unique unit is its hidden bonus against rams. Game mechanics allow them to do MELEE DAMAGE to rams, meaning that instead of doing 1 damage per shot, like other archer units (except the Mangudai), Chu Ko Nu do three damage per shot - with ALL FIVE ARROWS! Not only does this rob the opponent of the option to use rams as a meat shield, but it provides a huge defensive boost. (one of my favorite cheese strats against the AI was to have a castle garrisoned with 20 Chu Ko Nus, and when the AI inevitably sends rams, I popped out the Chuks and massacred the rams in seconds)

One last unusual strength of the Chu Ko Nu also gets back to its multiple attacks. SotL's Chinese overview found that the Saracen team bonus (foot archers +1 vs buildings) applies to all five arrows in a team of 20 elite Chu Ko Nus, allowing them, when fully upgraded, to take down buildings faster than a siege ram or a trebuchet.

Because they can stand up better to many traditional archer counters, such as eagle warriors, cavalier, hussar, skirms, and rams, more than other archers, pretty much their only major weaknesses are siege onagers (especially Korean siege onagers, since the Chu Ko Nu have much less range) and huskarls.

What do you all think of the Chu Ko Nu's strengths and weaknesses?

Thanks in advance for the feedback! This is my first actual post here, so if I am missing some customary formatting or something, let me know!

On that note, I nominate u/JRed_Deathmatch to continue this discussion next Friday!

submitted by /u/ChuKoNoob
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