crazy strategy someone try this with me

Try this: u send landgrab as china, ur british mate sends team faster building speed for houses. u can instantly place villages as china on the map without even building them. place a village behind ur enemies in a treatygame and ship 21 pikes or French consulate army. destroy their factories watch them call u cheater and resign.

Or you can do this to take any island you want in water maps by shipping refugee cards to send villagers and using Confucius gift can also make your armies come to the villages faster.

Ive done crazy strategies before like revolting as ottomans in 9 minutes to turtling on the tiny island on Honshu to burning down the enemies Town center in 4 mins with the iro warchief but this one is the craziest of all .

anyways add me bros

submitted by /u/we_wuz_kangz_420
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