In your opinion, we lost this game because of me or because of this teammate?

Here is the situation. We played a 4v4 BF game.

My flank from minute 8 started to spam the 6 taunts, because he wanted stone. He spammed 6 again around minute 13 and 16. Around minute 18 he went castle and he ask stone again. I say him I can't give him stone because I needed it to make TCs and the other pocket told him he doesn't have stone anymore... and guess what? he resign. 4 v 3 we lost the game.

After the game I've started a chat with him. He told me he needed help with stone, because his main gold and stone was spawned near the opponent flank so he had to buid a tower asap becuase he didn't want to lose his main gold and stone due to a possible opponent tower. In the same time, a tower was good to deny a stock of gold to his opponent flank that was spawned ahead as well. but at that point he didn't had the stone anymore to build TCs and he would have been left behind for the rest of the game. I told him why he didn't use the market, and he told me with his gold at that minute he could only buy 100 stone and with that stone was not enough, because he also needed some stone to end walling the choke point.

Now my question is: who is wrong, in your opinion?

submitted by /u/CuS92
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