4 days ago I got AOE2 on Steamsale - today I had a 6h EU Diplomatic Game and it was AWESOME!

I turtled in Northwest. Playing as Brits. 750 population and everyone was friendly and peacefull. My neighbour in the east (red) passive-aggressively build castles near my wall and wouldn't send a single trade-card. Other players referred to our border as "demilitarized zone" or "North & South Korea" While fighting for trees with everyone, Red suddenly placed some catapults in my city center, declared war and tried to destroy my trebuchets. He failed, and my long-bowmen let hell rain down his knights, while my trebuchets purged his castles from my border. In the meantime other players send their villagers to grab the remaining resources in that area, while some are sending resources to me and one player actually send an army of monks only to heal the wounded, lol. We also had a little zoo containing 2 boars. The others pressure me to spare reds life and be peacefull. I agree and ar promised some piece of land that belonged to red before. But red won't give it to me and takes this break to rebuild his army and re-castle. Anyways, this text is getting too long.

We spare douchebag reds life multiple times, while south african nations grow incredible strong and I have no trade route. In the end it's North vs South while South wins with a massive ship army and a bigger alliance, cause they now allied 5vs3

In the end me and my allies flee into our last retreat, pieces of my castle in the very north, while my longbowmen give their best to defend vs approaching armies. We do agree on an allied win and everyone is happy.

I gotta say I am glad I made this purchase for 3€, since money is tight, my pc doesn't run newer games and AOE2 multiplayer is new for me and appearently HELLA FUN. Also reconnected with some friends to play vs KI's so far.

I just wanna say this game is awesome and really looking forward!

Ps: I'm not the best player, first games people laughed at me for builing a 5-thick wall and tons of canon towers. If you want to add a noob on Steam: Bear Grylls. You can call me turtle lol

Any way to see if there's a recording of that game? :) thanks

submitted by /u/LazyHighGoals
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