Thinking of getting HD on Steam to play online but I'm not good at RTS

I was thining of getting AoE2 HD and the DLC (do you recommend no DLC? Do most players use them?) to play online. I used to play AoE2 a lot when I was a kid, but I'm not a very good RTS player, barely played SC etc, so I fear about going online. I still have my normal non-HD editions so I was mostly going Steam for online. A few more questions, if you don't mind.

  • If I buy off Steam, can I still play in this Voobly platform I've seen mentioned?
  • Also, do you recommend I join AoE2 even as a really new player? I wouldn't want to be obliterated by much more experienced players, and I'm not really interested in the campaigns, but I guess they'd be fun for a bit.
  • Anything else I should be wary of? When does the Xmas Steam sale end?
  • Are there more DLC planned? If so I might just wait until another sale with all of em.

Thank you all...

submitted by /u/Bro_miscuous
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