LAN Events & EscapeTV Studio Coming 2019

With 2018 drawing to a close, I think it’s time to share some exciting news.

EscapeAoE is moving from the web to a brand new studio in Manchester (UK). I’ll be joining them full time. And we’ll be broadcasting everything Age of Empires.

Tune into the launch party stream Friday 18th January, 18:30 - 23:00 GMT.

On the days following (19th & 20th) we’ll also be hosting a live Age of Empires 2 LAN 1v1 invitational tournament (with some whacky rules for comedic value). It should be a lot of fun even if you’re not an AoC regular!

What does this mean for ESOC & the Age of Empires III community though?

Basically, just more AOE3 content! Later this year we'll also be organising an Age of Empires 3 LAN event, we’re still figuring out the details but we’ll keep you posted.

submitted by /u/Interjectionvideos
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