Why are the Franks so good?

According to this website the Franks are the best civilization at every skill level. I am having a hard time understanding why that would be the case, yet i don't believe the statistics lie.

Glossing over the specialties of the Franks didn't help much either.

  • Throwing axeman This is kinda like a ranged Champion, but i think i'd rather have a champion most of the time. They also have a bearded axe upgrade that gives +1 range for these units.
  • Chivalry: Increases the work rate of Stables by +40% This is a very expensive upgrade that makes me wonder if it wouldn't be cheaper to just build more stables instead.
  • Farm upgrades are free: This seems to be effectively a wood bonus, not bad but not that great compared to what other civs get.
  • Castles are 25% cheaper. I tend to mostly build many castles if i have a strong unique unit that i want to mass produce, but with the Franks i'd be more inclined towards massing knights, cavaliers and paladins rather than throwing axemen. Castles are quite powerful for defense though.
  • Cavalry have +20% HP. This is the big one i think, it means that the Franks have the strongest paladins in the game and therefore arguably the strongest maxed out army any civilization can muster. Yet it also makes them a one-trick pony if they can't do anything else.
  • Foragers work 25% faster. This is an awesome early game boost.
  • Team bonus, Knights have +2 Line of Sight. By the time you get knights, wouldn't you have scouted most of the map anyway?

Then we have the tech tree, it seems to be lack luster with no imperial skirmishers, hussars and a weak archer line. Siege and navy is mediocre at best.

Is my evaluation completely off? Why do the Franks perform so well when their statistics/characteristics don't indicate that they should?

submitted by /u/BigBadEvilDM
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