8 Map Bans Are Needed. More Now Than Ever After Latest Patch 'Fix' Removing Ability to Leave Before a Match Starts

The vast majority plays for fun. There is no reason to force players to play matches on maps they do not want to. We don't care if someone who only plays Black Forest or Arena has a slightly higher ELO than the 'well rounded' player who doesn't ban any maps. We just want to have fun. The player who uses 4+ bans fully accepts that the que might take longer.

Before this latest patch, you could leave the assigned map by control tabbing and then restarting the que. Or you could leave less than one minute into the match and not have it affect ELO. Now, DE forces players to play or lose ELO. Fine, I'll lose the ELO and then smurf on people. Is that what you want DE devs?

(In before "you can always play unranked lobby if you want a certain specific map" Please get out of here with that garbage.)

submitted by /u/SupremeRobotPlatypus
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