A few more of incog's discourse

Good evening (or morning), friends.

I'm back to drop another post on this subreddit to impart some of my knowledge about the game. Instead of going for a single video in this post, I decided to record a few different ones and drop them all at the same time. Just trying to find a balance between putting my content on here without it becoming too spammy.

episode 10, showcase of a classic AOE3 strategy, the French hussar semi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUC4JWQ5IYA

episode 11, discussing basic economic gather rates in AOE3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkkC62zgfkw

episode 12, discussing cav/heavy infantry as an early game unit combo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vng42Optp4

bonus, going over Mitoe's fast industrial in a tournament match, French vs Brits (it was a really good game and I enjoyed this analysis a lot): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MHr3fnPvrM

Topics down the line that I have in mind are: - more in depth overviews of civilizations and their shipments, staple unit compositions, strategies, etc. - strategy/build guides, - more in depth overviews of general game mechanics and/or principles, - more in depth reviews of units, - hotkeys and game settings

Among other things. If there is a topic that is worth going over, please let me know and I will do my best to review and/or do research.

I appreciate, as always, being able to share what I know and hope this helps out a bit.

submitted by /u/Kami_Ryu
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