"Twenty and a half years of bloodshed" - I finally complete Saladin!

I've been playing Age of Empires off and on since 1999 - but hardly skillfully. About once every year or two I have a go at playing all the original campaigns again but have always gotten demoralised at Saladin mission 5 or 6 - the enemies were just too persistent for me. I generally lost interest after a few attempts.

But earlier this evening victory was mine! I built that fucking wonder and guarded it with Saracen lives (and I didn't cheat by using the little island). Nearly 1000 enemy troops met their end by my towers and mamelukes. Though to be honest the win was more a question of perseverance than skill.

In the closing cinematic the Norman knight who narrates the tale finally leaves Saladin after "nearly 21 years" in his service. It struck me that that must be about how long ago my 8 year old self first saw him wandering the desert and encountering Saladin's men. The anonymous Sir and I have been on this journey together for over two decades! I think he's earned his freedom.

submitted by /u/Colonel_Smellington
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