Some Idea for Italians in land map

Well I know Italians are one of best civ in water maps and also fine(although they are not best) in hybrid maps.

But I think they have hard time in open maps, and they are not so bad but also not so good in closed map.

I agree that ' Not every civilization needs to be good on every map. ' but buff of some civs that have problem in certain type maps, will be helpful to see more various civㄴ in game.

So I think some idea for Italians, and want to listen to your opinion about these.

  1. Giving new bonus - discount technologies cost in archery range to 50%
  2. Genoese Xbow traing time 22/19 > 20/171

  1. means give new bonus Just similar Italians navy bonus. I think It will helpfull that they can save some food and wood for boom in early castle age. xbow, thumb ring, elite skim tech are need to foods and woods that really important resources for booming.

  1. Italians don't have herb and H camels that important units to fight against imp cav. and also don't have any bonus for pikemen like viking. So If they fight against good cav like pala, they need their UU, Genoese xbow.

Genoese xbow are real good anti-cav units but they can train only castle and long training time (longer than other archer UU for example longbow man).

I want they can train Genoese xbow to archery not only Castle, but if it make other balance problem, at least training time buff is needed. 17s is slower than Rattan and Plumed that other civ's archer UU, so I think It make so big balance problem and Italians can use their UU easier.

I'm glad to give your opinion about my ideas and understand my poor English skill.(English is not my fisrt language.)

submitted by /u/dak0653
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