Proposed Inca Civ Bonus Change

I think the vast majority of the community can agree that playing against tower/villager rushes isn't that enjoyable. Inca's are my favorite civ in the game and I would like to just propose an idea I had to replace the "Villagers effected by blacksmith upgrades". Historically, the Incas were known to offer tribes a chance to surrender and join the Inca empire before engaging in battle, so I think it would be neat if military buildings (excluding Castles/Kreposts) demolished by an Inca player are instead converted to the Inca player.

Now you may be thinking "Can't the opposing players just delete the buildings before they get destroyed?". The way I see it, we could maybe implement a >50% done to a building by Inca before demolition/deletion still converts? Worst case, if the other team wants to delete the buildings before they're completely destroyed, the bonus would almost be an Arson-like upgrade to the Incas seeing that buildings would get destroyed faster. Could maybe see the proposed bonus getting extended to houses and eco buildings as well (but never TCs or Castles).

I personally don't see the proposed change as game breaking or unbalanced. Some would argue that it would take away what the Inca's are known for, but I play Inca's fairly (M@A or Archer rushes) and have a 1v1 elo of 1350 without ever tower/villager rushing. I think it would give the Inca's something very unique and make them even more fun to play against while keeping them balanced. I've thought about it a lot and may not have written down all ideas and answers to potential problems, but feel free to inquire!

Any thoughts?

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submitted by /u/EndgamerAOE
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