Effective gather rates for huntables

While settlers gather from hunts at a base rate of 0.86 food/s, this does not factor in all the time they spend shooting deer, walking to each deer, and walking to new herds.

So, I ran tests using 15 hunters split into 2 groups of 7-8 on Central Plain, which I think has about average hunt density. Over a period of 15 minutes per run, those hunters gather from around 5-6 of the herds, or 1/3 of the map. In one test, I herded about as much as I do in a multiplayer game; that is, I always sent a settler to new hunts to start shooting them towards my TC, but once the rest of the group was on that herd, I didn't really stay on top of it. In another, I really tried hard to keep all hunts as close to the TC as possible, as I expect would be more akin to a high-level game. Lastly, this excludes the idle time accrued from switching settlers between different resources constantly, since they always stayed on hunts. Also, I never let them idle; this is purely the gather rate of hunters actually hunting.

Here are my results:

Effective hunt rate (some herding towards TC) - 0.738 food/s

Effective hunt rate (excessive herding) - 0.771 food/s

I think a good rule of thumb (if you like making build orders and need these rates) is 0.75 food/s for hunts. On a side note, I also looked at the effect of the increased settler speed and damage of USA villagers with French Immigration. This seemed to make settlers hunt about 2% faster, a nice (albeit tiny) side effect of the card.

submitted by /u/Swanky_Snavely
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