It happened again, home city crash in the middle of an hour long game

4v4 supremacy. We're losing hard. Played for a very long time, over an hour, worked really hard to bring the team back. I manage to get a flank off in their base and start ransacking everything.

All of a sudden, while setting up home city shipments, clicking the home city caused my game to crash. It just blinked out of existence. Again. This is the second time this has happened in a really impactful match.

It's got to be hilarious to be the opponents, you're getting your whole base destroyed when all of a sudden the person destroying your base just surrenders for no reason.

Sorry, but I can't keep doing this. Uninstalling this game today. It was a nice blast of nostalgia but these random buggy crashes are inexcusable. I encourage the rest of you to do the same.

submitted by /u/ChillyReworks
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