Has anyone tried countering the extreme AI after letting it boom for about 30-40minutes?

So the standard response to successfully defeating the Hardest-Extreme difficulty is to raid and put early pressure on it. I can confirm that by deploying these tactics it's most definitely the most effective way albeit kind of repetitive.

The issue I and a lot of other have is that we want to experience huge late game wars with late game techs but the moment the A.I reaches a certain point it will just SPAM units constantly with no let up. No short breaks, no "second waves" just pure unrelenting unit SPAM if you don't stop it early.

Since this is clearly by design and I don't see a change happening anytime soon, does anyone know any good tactics / unit composition that's fairy effective against the hordes of nonstop units that the A.I will produce in the late game? Has anyone had any success in repelling and defeating a very late game Extreme A.I army?

submitted by /u/Philhevican
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